Five Easy Ways to Conquer Spring Cleaning


It’s that midpoint in the semester where assignments and tests are piling up, there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day and (if you’re in the South) you just want to soak up all the sunshine. It can be easy to be bogged down by the stress and chaos of mid-semester (suggested some tips for overcoming this here), but one easy way I help myself feel a bit more put together is some spring cleaning.


I’m not talking any major overhauls or even activities that will take longer than 10 minutes. The last thing spring cleaning should do is add to the stress, so these are easy activities to do if I need a little break from my computer or am looking for a way to feel accomplished. I’ve put together a list of a few ideas of easy and efficient ways to clean small living spaces. I hope you find it useful if you are looking for ways to take a break, but still feel productive.


Clean up your desk area

When was the last time you wiped the surface down? Could things be better organized or put away? In this time of virtual learning, my desk is inevitably where I spend a lot of my day and evening. Making sure this space is functional is key to making sure I can be productive and limit distractions.


If the surface of your desk is clear, take a look at your desk drawer. If you’re anything like me, you use this drawer as a catchall for random things acquired throughout the semester that don’t really have a home. Taking time to go through it and organize or throw things out will feel like a great accomplishment. I’m always surprised by how much I don’t need anymore and it’s  really satisfying to see a clean and organized space.


Dust your room with a Swiffer pad

This is one task that I often forget to do or push to the bottom of my to do list. Though I’ve lived in small spaces throughout the past four years, it always shocks me how much dust accumulates over a short period of time. Taking a Swiffer pad to clean off surfaces will help clean the air you breathe and make the whole room feel cleaner. Another perk? You can likely use just one pad for all the surfaces. 


Clean off high-touch surface areas

While Clorox wipes can still be tough to find these days, using one sparingly or putting some cleaning spray on a paper towel to clean door handles, faucet handles, light switches, bathroom counter tops and other high-tough surface areas is worth it. They’re called high-touch for a reason, so taking a few minutes to wipe them off is important (especially if you have a roommate!). 


Pick out five clothing items to sell or donate

This one might take a little longer, but you could easily do this step one at a time. Challenge yourself to find five clothing items you can sell or donate. Maybe it’s an item that no longer fits, an old t-shirt that would get better use by someone younger in your sorority, or something you’re just bored with. This might inspire you to keep purging too. Either way, I’m sure it will feel good to make a little room in your closet.



This is another item that is easy to keep pushing down on the to-do list, but I love that my carpet and rug look and feel cleaner afterward. If you have a rug or carpet too, I recommend taking a break from an assignment and vacuuming for a few minutes. It helps to stand up and get a break from sitting at your desk and great to get that dirt or crumbs off the floor.


I hope you found these five quick ways to clean up your living space helpful! It can feel overwhelming to think of it all at once, especially when you are the midst of tests and papers. Compartmentalizing each activity and squeezing them in when you can is a great way to get things done and can help you feel more on top of things during this hectic time in the semester.


I’d love to hear any additional ways you like to tackle spring cleaning too!


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